Elektrqishloqqurilish JSC will take part in the construction of facilities for the tourist recreational zone "Zomin"

In April 2021, the President of Uzbekistan signed Decree No. UP-6102 "On measures to create a tourist and recreational zone "Zomin" and an international all-season resort". Hotels, cultural and recreational centers, shopping and entertainment facilities, as well as the all-season resort "Plateau Suffa.2400" and "Uriklisoy" complex are to be built on the total area of 700 hectares in the Zomin district of the Jizzakh region.

The grand opening of the first facilities of the complex took place in November 2022.

Elektrqishloqqurilish JSC concluded a contract for the performance of works on the object "External power supply of the constructional project of the "Zomin" tourist recreational zone, together with the creation of the international all-season resort "Plateau Suffa.2400".

Customer: "NP ESAN" LLC.

The III stage of the project foresees the construction of a double-circuit 110 kV OHL, carried out by taping from the existing 110 kV OHL "BAXMAL-1,2". The works are to be finished by the end of 2023. Within the IV stage, a new indoor 110/35/10 kV Suffa substation will be built.

A large tourist and recreational zone, constructed in accordance with the international standards, will increase the tourist potential of the region.